Service Downtime History
Date/Time | Service | Scope | Resolution |
28/03/2025 14:38
31/03/2025 12:52
NCTS/CTC | Unplanned |
HMRC Important information about Unloading Remarks carried out during British Summertime(BST)
See message from HMRCDear Customer, Since NCTS5 went live with Transitional rules on 28 June 2024 and Final State Rules on 21 January 2025, we have been providing ongoing support to assist customers. In this update we are providing information on potential issues you may encounter when entering unloading remarks during British Summertime (BST) which runs from 30 March to 26 October 2025 inclusive. These communications are for users of NCTS5 (traders, agents, declarants etc) and for providers of third-party commercial software packages. You can find our recent updates on GOV.UK. Background – Unloading remarks and British Summertime (BST) Following the introduction of NCTS5 in June 2024, HMRC became aware of a problem affecting NCTS users when entering unloading remarks for goods arrived between the hours of 00:01 and 01:00 during BST. This problem is caused by NCTS’ alignment with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is one hour behind BST. This means that any unloading remarks completed between 00:01 and 01:00 during BST are blocked, as they are considered by the NCTS service to be made in the future. What HMRC are doing A permanent fix to the issue is currently being explored. We will provide an update when we know when the fix will be implemented. What you need to do To avoid blocking of unloading remarks, traders/declarants will need to carry out the workaround below during BST. Workaround From 31 March 2025 until 26 October 2025; or we notify you that the fix has been made; declarants should enter the previous day’s date when submitting unloading remarks for any goods received in the UK between 00:01 and 01:00 hours. For example- • Goods are physically unloaded at the Consignee premises on 7 April 2025 between the hours of 00:01 and 01:00 • Unloading date should be entered as 6 April (the time is not required in this data field, only the date) Note: if you use third-party software, please speak to your provider as they may include functionality within their product that already allows for this workaround. Further information Please look out for our next communications in Spring 2025 which will discuss NCTS6. Thank you, HMRC. |
29/03/2025 20:30
29/03/2025 22:30
CDS Live Service | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDue to scheduled maintenance, you will be unable to access
our online service from 8:30pm to 10:30pm on Saturday 29th March 2025. Declarations submitted during this time will be processed when the service becomes available. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference (GMR) during this time might be affected. Only goods with pre-lodged declarations attached to a GMR will be allowed to move using Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). For guidance on GVMS, read For import movements using GVMS, you should check the declaration status and arrive where needed If moving consignments containing controlled goods with pre-lodged declarations, read Exports should have Permission to Progress (P2P) before
travelling. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
24/03/2025 10:39
27/03/2025 09:21
ASM Online Services | Unplanned |
Since Sunday 23rd March, some users are experiencing communication
errors when sending declarations. If you have received communications errors on declarations,
your ASM online services bearer token may have expired. If so, you
will be required to access your ASM (UK) Ltd account and re-authorise
Sequoia to interact with customs on your behalf. Please ask one of your nominated ASM (UK) Ltd admin
users to login to ASM
online services to do this. Further information can be found on the ASM Resource Centre here. When complete, you will need to resend any declarations with
a communication error. If you require further assistance please raise a ticket via
the ASM Service Desk portal here |
26/03/2025 07:00
26/03/2025 07:30
CCS-UK | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 26th March 2025 starting at 07:00 AM GMT to 07:30 AM GMT (up to 30 minutes). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Export clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Ayyappa Swamy Lalam Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
25/03/2025 12:30
25/03/2025 12:45
MCP Destin8 | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version 5.27.0 on Tuesday 25 March 2025 at 12:30hrs and will be temporarily unavailable for up to 15 minutes. You can view the release notes here If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
24/03/2025 00:01
24/03/2025 01:00
CNS Compass | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on our Compass application, requiring a downtime of 60 minutes maximum. The work is expected to be completed within 20 minutes but we are allowing 1 hour in case of a need to roll back. This work is scheduled for the following time: Monday 24th March 0001-0100hrs During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - - Unit status updates and shipping line messages will not reach Compass - - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart - All other CNS services will be available. We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
23/03/2025 10:30
23/03/2025 16:20
ASM Online Services | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via ASM Online Services. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. |
23/03/2025 07:00
23/03/2025 10:00
Pentant | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from PentantDear Descartes CDS/Pentant Customer, Sunday March 23rd between 07:00 and 10:00 UK time. The current Checkpoint firewall appliances are EOL (end of life) and the license will expire in 1 month. We are replacing them with new appliances. Short downtime expected between 07:00 – 07:30 of 1-2 minutes. This will impact all services running in Schiphol-Rijk / Amsterdam. Questions and concerns can be directed to Pentant team via Please reference CHN 48332 If you have any concerns/issues then please contact the service desk by emailing Kind regards Descartes CDS/Pentant Support |
17/03/2025 03:00
17/03/2025 08:00
SI Brexit | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from French authoritiesWe have been informed by the French authorities that they will taking down their French authorities system on Monday 17th March (3am to 8am UK time). Their other systems will not be affected, traders will be able to continue to create their formalities (transits/pre lodge declarations) as normal, and to present them for pairing at the border crossing. The expectation is the service outage will have no noticeable consequences for trade partners. The system outage will prevent the automatic routing of trucks during the crossing, and all non-empty trucks will therefore be directed to the “orange” parking lots for manual processing at the customs office, which may cause delays. From a UK perspective our services will be available and BF colleagues will be available and the current view is due to the timing of the outage we expect a low volume of traffic in the early hours of Monday morning. We will keep you informed if we receive any further information from the French Authorities. |
13/03/2025 01:51
13/03/2025 03:23
CCS-UK | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK intermittent Unplanned Outages since Wednesday 12th
March 2025
Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that CCS-UK is facing intermittent outages and it’s affecting all CCS-UK services. It has been apparent since Wednesday 12th March 2025 – 23:53 GMT onwards. All customers using CCS-UK for messaging may not be receiving responses to their messages due to this outage, messages will be queued and reprocessed as and when possible. Our technical team is working to get the system back to normal as a priority, we will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks and regards, Sanjay Bhattacharjee Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
13/03/2025 01:51
13/03/2025 03:05
CCS-UK | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on . CCS-UK are aware of the issue and they are working on it.
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
12/03/2025 21:00
12/03/2025 22:00
CCS-UK | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK
User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 12th March 2025 starting at 21:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT (up to 1 hr). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resilient plans in place or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Ayyappa Swamy Lalam Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
12/03/2025 12:45
12/03/2025 16:35
Safety & Security | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. |
11/03/2025 16:35
11/03/2025 17:14
CCS-UK | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
11/03/2025 13:00
11/03/2025 15:50
CDS Test Service (TDR) | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: • 1pm on Tuesday 11th March 2025 until 4pm on Tuesday 11th March 2025. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind regards, TDR Communications Team |
11/03/2025 12:00
11/03/2025 12:30
CNS Compass | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSWe are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass EDIFACT messaging services, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Tuesday 11th March 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Unit status updates and shipping line messages will not reach Compass - - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart - All other CNS services, including Compass, will be available. We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
10/03/2025 12:00
10/03/2025 12:30
CNS Compass | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Monday 10th March 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - - Unit status updates will not reach Compass - - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart - All other CNS services will be available. We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
09/03/2025 22:00
10/03/2025 04:00
CNS Compass | Planned |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 9th March and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 10th March 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the last of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
06/03/2025 08:00
07/03/2025 16:47
NCTS/CTC | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCGood Afternoon We are still experiencing problems with the New Computer Transit System (NCTS), and we are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We are continuing to work under the NCTS Business Continuity Procedures (BCP) for all outbound transit movements. The instructions below will allow goods to keep flowing until we fix the issue. Detailed guidance can be found in the Transit Manual Supplement Business Continuity Procedures Transit Manual Supplement – 7. The Business Continuity Procedure – Guidance – GOV.UK If the movement of goods cannot be delayed and businesses do not want to use the NCTS BCP process, then an alternative is to use the export procedure to move the goods out of the UK and then to start a union transit movement once they enter the EU. Under the fallback process, an offline Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) should be used to progress the transit movement. This must be signed by the person making the declaration or their agent. The signatory used must be one of the same signatories on the Guarantee certificate lodged at the Office of Departure(s) being used. For drivers already at inland border facilities, it is possible for an email version of the signed TAD to be sent to Border Force for them to print out and process. To do this you must email to the address shown on the Customs Office List (COL) for the Office of Departure you will be using. If you are an Authorised Consignor using a Simplified Procedure and have been told that the NCTS business continuity procedure is in place, you must have pre-authorisation to start movements at the authorised premises. You will also need to provide the Driver/Haulier with a business continuity procedure document in the TAD format, signed by the holder of the procedure who is the person making the declaration or their agent. Where possible In GVMS enter the associated export declaration references in the GMR to enable the driver to board the ferry/ train. Where it is not possible to enter the export declaration references and an easement is in place that allows this, traders can select the ‘Single Administrative Document (SAD)’ option when creating the GMR. This will mandate attendance at the IBF/port to release the hold on the GMR before boarding the ferry/ train. Full details of all HMRC’s systems are available on our service availability page, which is regularly updated – We would encourage you to refer to this page before embarking on any journey. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes, and we will update you as soon as we have more information. Thank You. Please see NCTS service availability page to check for
latest updates on system availability status: |
06/03/2025 08:00
06/03/2025 14:25
NCTS/CTC | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
The HMRC service availability page is reporting Known issues on NCTS Departures. Click here for further details. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
05/03/2025 20:30
05/03/2025 23:30
NCTS/CTC | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) XI & GB channels, on Wednesday 5th March 2025, timings as follows: • NCTS XI 20:30 – 22.00 Wed 05/03/25 Duration 1.5hrs • NCTS GB 22:00 – 23.30 Wed 05/03/25 Duration 1.5hrs Any NCTS data submitted during the periods above via the NCTS GB & XI service channels will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded and the service is available again. Please see NCTS service availability page to check for latest updates on system availability status. HMRC apologises for any inconvenience. |
05/03/2025 19:00
05/03/2025 19:48
ASM Online Services | Planned |
In order to carry out essential system maintenance, ASM Online Services will be unavailable between and . During this time you will be unable to send and receive messages in Sequoia. You can prepare your CDS declarations ready to send once the outage is complete but will not be able to view or prepare Safety & Security declarations or Transit Phase 5 movements so please retrieve any Transit documents you need prior to the outage.
To improve re-connection behaviour following this outage, please ensure that you are running version 5.16 (or higher) of Sequoia. We will confirm when normal services resume. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
04/03/2025 12:20
04/03/2025 15:37
CDS Live Service | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/03/2025 12:20
04/03/2025 13:09
Pentant | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via Pentant. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/03/2025 12:20
04/03/2025 13:09
CNS Compass | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/03/2025 12:20
04/03/2025 13:08
MCP Destin8 | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via MCP Plc. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/03/2025 12:20
04/03/2025 13:08
CCS-UK | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
03/03/2025 19:30
03/03/2025 20:44
CCS-UK | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
03/03/2025 16:33
03/03/2025 19:10
Pentant | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via Pentant. This first started on .
If you have a communication error, please resend your declaration. |
02/03/2025 22:00
03/03/2025 04:00
CNS Compass | Planned |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 2nd March and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 3rd March 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the seventh of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
01/03/2025 15:00
01/03/2025 21:00
CCS-UK | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Saturday 1st March 2025 starting at 15:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT (up to 6 Hrs). This outage will impact ALL CCS-UK services during this time. “The following guidance has been produced by HMRC to ensure that any disruption to UK exports via CCS-UK is kept to a minimum during the CCS-UK planned outage on Saturday 1st March 2025 starting at 15:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT (up to 6 Hrs). Wherever possible, and subject to capacity, UK export freight should be delivered to the ITSF/Airline ahead of the outage. During the CCS-UK outage, UK export freight arriving within the ITSF/Airlines premises should be checked-in as normal. If the MUCR has not yet been arrived, the ITSF/Airlines can then make use of the Make and Manage a Declaration Online Service (on Gov.UK and also known as the CDS Exports UI) to arrive a MUCR. If clearance is obtained for the MUCR (SOE C) the ITSFs/Airlines can use the “Released by TSO” functionality within their systems to then load and depart the consignment/flight. They will also need to retain a copy of clearance from the Make and Manage a Declaration Online Service for audit purposes. If the MUCR has already been arrived by another ITSF or DEP operator and has P2P, ITSF/Airlines can use the “Released by TSO” functionality within their systems to then load and depart the consignment/flight. They will also need to retain a copy of clearance from the ITSF/DEP operator who obtained P2P and must check the status of the MUCR using the Make and Manage a Declaration Online Service or their own software once CCS-UK is restored. ITSF/Airlines should not use the online service to send a departure message. This message will be sent to CDS from their own software once CCS-UK is restored. In order to avoid potential issues, ITSF/Airlines are advised to ensure that staff working during the outage period have the credentials to access the Make and Manage a Declaration Online Service (MAMEDO) and have tried to log on ahead of the outage. They should also ensure that senior staff with access to the “Released by TSO” functionality are on site to make use of it and to ensure these guidelines are applied compliantly.“ CCS-UK and HMRC apologises for the short notice and the inconvenience caused, thanks you for your patience. |
01/03/2025 15:00
01/03/2025 21:00
CCS-UK | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See Additional Information message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, You will have seen the recent communications and guidance from HMRC relating to the CCS-UK planned downtime on Saturday 1st March starting at 15:00 GMT to 21:00 GMT (up to 6 hours). This email provides additional information to ITSFs/airlines relating to the outage and action they may need to take. Firstly, please note that the HMRC guidance shared previously (email from the CCS-UK helpdesk 27/02) has been produced for this outage only and is not to be considered a blanket process for any future outages or any other system issues. Secondly, during the outage all CCS-UK comms pathways will be closed. This means CCS-UK will not be able to receive or store messages during the outage. As per the HMRC guidance, ITSFs/airlines should continue to check-in (arrive), manifest and export freight using their own software as normal alongside the HMRC guidance specific to this outage. This should ensure that arrival and departure messages are sent from the ITSF/airline software to CCS-UK CDS once the outage is over although this is dependent on how the ITSF/airline software works and may require manual activities by the ITSF/airline. Once messages are sent from the ITSF/airline software to CCS-UK it is possible that some of these messages may be received/processed out of sequence and this could prevent CDS handling departure messages correctly resulting in no proof of export (DMSEOG). CCS-UK will generate a report early next week where a departure has been processed before an arrival. We will attempt to provide details to the impacted ITSF/airline in order that, where necessary, they can resubmit the departure messages. Please also be aware that it is possible there will be additional queries from traders if they do not receive DMSEOG messages for declarations they have submitted. Thanks for your support and by all means contact the CCS-UK helpdesk for support and questions. |
28/02/2025 11:06
28/02/2025 15:48
CNS Compass | Unplanned |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption for inventory linked CDS declarations via CNS. This first started on .
See message from CNSDear Customer, We want to keep you informed about ongoing delays affecting message updates within the Compass application, specifically related to Terminal operating messaging, Compass, and CDS. Our team continues to prioritise resolving these issues, and we are making every effort to restore normal service as quickly as possible. To help us address the most urgent cases first, we kindly ask you to notify the Helpdesk of any critical impacts on your operations so we can review them individually. We appreciate your patience and will provide another update at 15:30 today. Please rest assured that the Compass platform remains accessible, and all other CNS services are operating as usual. Thank you for your understanding and support. The CNS Team |
27/02/2025 12:30
27/02/2025 12:45
MCP Destin8 | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcDestin8 Scheduled Downtime Please be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version 5.26.0 on Thursday 27 February 2025 at 12:30hrs and will be temporarily unavailable for up to 15 minutes. If you require any further information or assistance, then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
25/02/2025 20:30
25/02/2025 23:30
NCTS/CTC | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New
Computerised Transit System (NCTS) XI & GB channels, on Tuesday 25th
February 2025, timings as follows: • NCTS XI 20:30 – 22.00 Tue 25/02/25 Duration 1.5hrs • NCTS GB 22:00 – 23.30 Tue 25/02/25 Duration 1.5hrs Any NCTS data submitted during this period via the NCTS XI & GB service channels will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded and the service is available again. Please see NCTS service availability page to check for latest updates on system availability status. HMRC apologises for any inconvenience. |
25/02/2025 13:00
25/02/2025 15:41
CDS Test Service (TDR) | Planned |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello,
We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Tuesday 25th February 2025 until 4pm on Tuesday 25th February 2025. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
23/02/2025 22:00
24/02/2025 04:00
CNS Compass | Planned |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 23rd February and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 24th February 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the sixth of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
21/02/2025 09:37
21/02/2025 17:33
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that CCS-UK is still facing intermittent outages and it’s affecting all CCS-UK services. Customers will be experiencing message delays during these brief intermittent outages. Our technical team is working to get the system back to normal as a priority, we will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks & Regards Anushree Gadewar BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
21/02/2025 06:30
21/02/2025 08:48
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing no responses to CDS declarations via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
16/02/2025 22:00
17/02/2025 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 16th February and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 17th February 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the fifth of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
13/02/2025 12:30
13/02/2025 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to See message from MCP PlcDestin8 Scheduled Downtime Please be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version
5.25.0 on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 12:30hrs and will be temporarily
unavailable for up to 15 minutes. To view the release notes click here If you require any further information or assistance, then
please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to
accordingly. |
12/02/2025 21:00
12/02/2025 22:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 12th February 2025 starting at 21:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT (up to 1hr). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Ayyappa Swamy Lalam Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
12/02/2025 16:15
12/02/2025 16:47
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Service degradation: The CDS TDR planned outage has been extended.
See message from HMRCWe are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service is still unavailable. We will update you as soon as the planned maintenance activity is complete and the TDR service is restored. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Kind regards, TDR Communications Team |
12/02/2025 13:00
12/02/2025 16:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCThe CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Wednesday 12th February 2025 until 4pm on Wednesday 12th February 2025. There will be a complete outage during this period. |
10/02/2025 16:07
10/02/2025 17:26
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on . CNS are made aware of the issue.
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM or CNS advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
10/02/2025 14:23
10/02/2025 15:00
CDS Live Service |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
09/02/2025 22:00
10/02/2025 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 9th February and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 10th February 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the fourth of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
04/02/2025 09:45
06/02/2025 07:59
Service degradation : Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
Any Transmissions sent on Arrival and Departure after 09:45 GMT with no response will need to contact the NCTS Helpdesk ( for more information.. |
05/02/2025 17:08
05/02/2025 18:58
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/02/2025 15:29
04/02/2025 16:30
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on .
CNS have been made aware of the current issue. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM or CNS advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/02/2025 10:30
04/02/2025 11:44
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCThe NCTS GB Departures component is experiencing technical
issues. We are aware of the problem and are working to fix this. You should
continue to conduct business as usual if you can. If you are unable to submit a
declaration, follow the guidance set out in your authorisation. HMRC will
contact you if the Business Continuity Procedure (BCP) is invoked. For more information please click the service availability page here.
04/02/2025 04:30
04/02/2025 05:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSCNS CDS Release 3.2.1 - Downtime
Dear Customer, We are sending this message to confirm the date and time we are deploying the latest release to our CDS service. our previous email had conflicting information, for which we apologise. To confirm: The implementation, which will require some downtime, is planned to take place during the following window and you will be unable to connect to the service during this time: Tuesday 4th February 2025 - 04.30 to 05.30hrs (1hr, UK time) We thank you for your patience while we carry out this essential work. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
03/02/2025 13:58
03/02/2025 15:26
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on . We are seeing a delay in response times by up to 5 minutes
02/02/2025 22:00
03/02/2025 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 2nd February and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 3rd February 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the third of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
21/01/2025 04:13
31/01/2025 11:41
NCTS Phase 5 Final State Rules HMRC have confirmed that the NCTS service is now operating normally. HMRC experienced technical difficulties with the deployment and the service remained offline until 04:13 this morning. Information on the HMRC NCTS service availability pages on does not appear to accurately reflect the system status/times. We are still seeing some issues related to the application of rules that should have ended when final state rules were implemented. Please continue to let us know if you are receiving unexpected error messages. Whilst these issues are not with Sequoia, we are raising them with HMRC as they occur. There were also issues yesterday, where departures were not receiving the IE928 Positive Acknowledgement notification in response to a declaration. This was due to HMRC introducing a change to their system to supress this message ahead of the go-live for ‘final state rules’. This has now been fixed. |
28/01/2025 12:30
28/01/2025 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version 5.24.0 on Tuesday 28 January 2025 at 12:30hrs and will be temporarily unavailable for up to 15 minutes. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
26/01/2025 22:00
27/01/2025 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer,
CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 26th January and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 27th January 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the second of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
23/01/2025 12:00
23/01/2025 14:50
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCThe CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from:
There will be a complete outage during this period.
20/01/2025 14:49
21/01/2025 06:00
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption with missing IE928 (Positive Acknowledgment) messages via HMRC. This first started on .
NCTS Helpdesk have advised the ASM Service Desk with the following - Many traders are having issues, alongside IE928’s not being generated and declarations being accepted automatically despite being normal procedure. The NCTS Helpdesk are investigating this issue and have raised it internally. |
21/01/2025 00:15
21/01/2025 04:30
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCDear Customer, NCTS5 Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (XI) unplanned downtime We recently confirmed that on Monday 20 January 2025 the NCTS GB & XI services would be unavailable from 22:00 until 00:15 on 21 January, while we implemented Final State rules. Unfortunately, HMRC are experiencing technical difficulties with the deployment of the update to the NCTS5 service, and it remains currently offline. Unless your goods movement is urgent, we recommend waiting to submit transit declarations until the service is restored. For those intending to use transit to move goods which have not yet departed, we recommend that they do not travel to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) to start a transit movement until the system is working again. There is more information about the Business Continuity Process in the Transit Manual Supplement (TMS). Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Thank you, HMRC |
20/01/2025 22:00
21/01/2025 00:15
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear customer, To help you prepare for the introduction of NCTS5 Final State rules we are issuing regular updates. You can find all our updates on Please note it may take up to 1 week for the newsletter page to be updated. Implementation of NCTS5 Final State rules and downtime The transition from NCTS5 Transitional State to NCTS5 Final State, in Northern Ireland (NI) and Great Britain (GB), will take place on 21 January 2025. Some providers of commercial software will be switching their software version from NCTS5 Transitional State to NCTS5 Final State, and they should be contacting their clients to confirm when this will take place. However, it is recommended that businesses proactively check with their providers in advance of 21 January 2025. Monday 20 January 2025 to Tuesday 21 January 2025 The XI service will be unavailable from 22:00 on 20 January to 00:15 on 21 January GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The GB service will be unavailable from 23:00 on 20 January to 00:15 on 21 January GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) Important For Departures, the movement must reach at least ‘Accepted’ status before the above start times. If the movement is still in the ‘Submitted’ status when the service becomes unavailable, the customs office will need to reject the movement once the system becomes available as it will not progress any further. For Arrivals, movements are unaffected and should be able to progress from all statuses. While NCTS is down, you should refrain, where possible, from moving goods under the Normal procedure which requires attending Inland Border Facilities (IBFs) or ports to start movements. If you must move goods and have been unable to submit the declarations prior to the start of system downtime, you will be able to use the existing manual fallback procedure, although we recommend you do not travel to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) to start a transit movement until the system is available. You can find the manual fallback process in the Transit Manual Supplement. If you require urgent support during this time, please contact: - • NCTS Helpdesk – or 0300 322 7095 • NCTS Supervising Office – or 0300 322 9452. HMRC will update our service availability page to advise when each service has successfully gone live. Thank you, HMRC |
19/01/2025 22:00
20/01/2025 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00hrs Sunday 19th January and completing by 04:00hrs Monday 20th January 2025. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. The updates have been tested in our lower environments, and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. These updates are part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate occasions. This will be the first of 8. We are happy to share the full schedule for this project below: 1. Sunday 19th January 2025 from 2200hrs to Monday 20th January 2025 0400hrs 2. Sunday 26th January 2025from2200hrstoMonday 27th January 2025 0400hrs 3. Sunday 2nd February 2025from2200hrstoMonday 3rd February 2025 0400hrs 4. Sunday 9th February 2025from2200hrstoMonday 10th February 2025 0400hrs 5. Sunday 16th February 2025from2200hrstoMonday 17th February 2025 0400hrs 6. Sunday 23rd February 2025from2200hrstoMonday 24th February 2025 0400hrs 7. Sunday 2nd March 2025from2200hrstoMonday 3rd March 2025 0400hrs 8. Sunday 9th March 2025from2200hrstoMonday 10th March 2025 0400hrs We would like to reiterate that we do not expect any disruption to any of our services while our team performs this series of work. Thank you.
Kind regards, The CNS Team |
18/12/2024 11:38
16/01/2025 13:16
Changes to HMRC route selections due to the temporary closure of Holyhead Port.
See message from HMRCDear customer, Update: Please note the additional GVMS route that should be used for a temporary Dublin-Pembroke journey commencing on 6th January. Following weather damage caused by Storm Darragh, Holyhead Port has needed to temporarily close for urgent repair works and is not expected to open until at least 15 January 2025. HMRC continues to work with Holyhead Port, the affected maritime carriers, and with Border Force to monitor the situation. We recognise the temporary closure of this commercial port location will cause disruption, and we are actively engaged with these stakeholders to support and facilitate contingency arrangements where possible. We can confirm that HMRC’s Customs Declaration Service (CDS) and Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) systems continue to operate without issue. We have agreed contingency routes with affected carriers, and this means you may need to make some changes to routes you select on GVMS. Full details are set out below, but Holyhead should not be used for either imports or exports. We can also reassure you that you will not be penalised for selecting the routes set out below while Holyhead remains closed. Please ensure to check the sailing schedule of the carrier you wish to travel with for further details during this period. Imports from Ireland to Great Britain Declarants should continue to submit import declarations into GB as normal. Please be assured that where a contingency arrangement has been agreed, your declaration will automatically update to reflect the port you are arriving at. Hauliers should select the following routes on GVMS: • For journeys from Dublin – Pembroke, select the ‘’Rosslare-Pembroke’’ route on GVMS • For journeys from Dublin – Fishguard, select the ‘’Rosslare – Fishguard’’ route on GVMS • For journeys from Dublin – Birkenhead (Liverpool), select the ‘’Dublin – Birkenhead (Liverpool)’’ route on GVMS • For journeys from Dublin – Heysham, select the ‘’Dublin – Heysham’’ route on GVMS Exports from Great Britain to Ireland Declarants should ensure the Arrived Export location declared on the declaration matches the Arrived Export location that the goods will leave from and the route that is selected in GVMS. If the Arrived Export location of exit does not match between the declaration and GVMS, the Goods Movement Reference (GMR) will not be allowed to check-in as the declaration cannot be correctly confirmed as departed. If the location the goods will leave from changes after an export declaration has been submitted, the declarant must cancel their CDS Arrived Export declaration and submit a new CDS Arrived Export declaration with the revised routing Arrived Export location code in Data Element 5/23. Hauliers should select the following routes on GVMS: • For journeys from Pembroke – Dublin, select the ‘’Pembroke-Rosslare’’ route on GVMS • For journeys from Fishguard – Dublin, select the ‘’Fishguard – Rosslare’’ route on GVMS • For journeys from Birkenhead (Liverpool) – Dublin, select the ‘’Birkenhead (Liverpool) – Dublin’’ route on GVMS • For journeys from Heysham – Dublin, select the ‘’Heysham – Dublin’’ route on GVMS We will communicate with you further when we know more about when Holyhead Port will reopen. |
16/01/2025 12:00
16/01/2025 12:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Thursday 16th January 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - Unit status updates will not reach Compass - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart - All other CNS services will be available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team. |
11/01/2025 20:00
11/01/2025 23:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Saturday 11th January 2025 starting at 20:00 GMT to 23:00 GMT (up to 3 hrs). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
05/01/2025 02:00
05/01/2025 12:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear Members,
Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Sunday 5th January 2025, from 02:00 am until 12:00 noon, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. Kind Regards, Andy On behalf of the JCCC Secretariat Borders & Trade | Customs Policy & Strategy (CP&S) Email: |
03/01/2025 10:13
03/01/2025 11:40
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on .
CNS are aware of the current issue and are working on this as a priority. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM or CNS advise to do so. |
03/09/2024 13:17
01/01/2025 00:01
CHIEF Live Service |
All access to CHIEF is now closed, as of 2nd September 2024
03/09/2024 13:17
01/01/2025 00:01
All access to CHIEF is now closed, as of 2nd September 2024
03/09/2024 13:18
01/01/2025 00:01
All access to CHIEF is now closed, as of 2nd September 2024
19/12/2024 12:30
19/12/2024 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcDestin8 Scheduled Downtime Please be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version
5.23.0 on Thursday 19 December 2024 at 12:30 hrs and will be temporarily
unavailable for up to 15 minutes.
This release contains a total of 25 Change Requests and Bug Fixes. If you require any further information or assistance, then please contact Destin8 Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to |
17/12/2024 14:10
17/12/2024 18:22
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCGood Afternoon
There are currently known issues with NCTS GB Departures. IT are currently working to fix this. However, there is no current ETA for it to be working again as the investigation is ongoing. You should continue to conduct business as usual if you are able to do so. Please find the link below and scroll down to Departures component Status for updates. Service availability - NCTS service availability - GOV.UK Kind regards Gareth Quinn NCTS Helpdesk Officer Customs Salford BT-CCTO, HM Revenue & Customs BX9 1EH Email: Phone: 0300 322 7095 |
16/12/2024 16:18
17/12/2024 15:15
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on . CNS are aware and looking into this.
17/12/2024 13:00
17/12/2024 15:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello,
We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Tuesday 17th December 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 17th December 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
14/12/2024 21:30
14/12/2024 23:30
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDue to scheduled maintenance, you will be unable to access
our online service from 9:30pm on Saturday 14th December 2024 to 11:30pm on
Saturday 14th December 2024. Declarations submitted during this time will be processed
when the service becomes available. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference
(GMR) during this time might be affected. Only goods with pre-lodged declarations attached to a GMR
will be allowed to move using Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). For guidance on GVMS, read For import movements using GVMS, you should check the
declaration status and arrive where needed If moving consignments containing controlled goods with
pre-lodged declarations, read the and
attend port inspection facilities or inland border facilities for goods to be
inspected and released. Exports should have Permission to Progress (P2P) before
travelling. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
08/12/2024 16:00
08/12/2024 17:30
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Sunday 8 December 2024 at 1600 hrs for up to 90 minutes. This is to facilitate critical security updates to our servers.
If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
07/12/2024 20:00
07/12/2024 23:59
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Saturday 7th December 2024
starting at 20:00 GMT to 00:00 GMT
Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Saturday 7th December 2024 starting at 20:00 GMT to 00:00 GMT (up to 4hrs). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. |
02/12/2024 14:14
02/12/2024 16:03
CDS Live Service |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing slow responses to CDS declarations sent via all CSP's. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
28/11/2024 11:00
28/11/2024 11:30
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on .
26/11/2024 14:21
26/11/2024 17:08
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on .
See message from CNSDear CNS Customer,
We are aware of a messaging issue which is effecting CDS messaging and Compass notifications/emails. Our technical team is actively working to address the problem and restore normal service as quickly as possible. Messages have been queued and will be processed once normal service is restored. We apologies for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience whilst we work to resolve the issue. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
26/11/2024 13:00
26/11/2024 16:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello,
We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Tuesday 26th November 2024 until 4pm on Tuesday 26th November 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
18/11/2024 08:54
26/11/2024 09:06
On 18th November NCTS switched on validation for LRNs and ARNs. This has resulted in receipt of G0033 errors on both Arrivals and Departures (GB). To resolve, you must input the Location Reference Number exactly as shown on your authorisation paperwork from the HMRC Transit Team.Please pay particular attention to case sensitivity and spacing.
At the same time, HMRC extended the NCTS message timers from 5 minutes to the time indicated in your authorised consignor/consignee documentation for each of your authorised locations. This will delay the time it takes for you to receive Goods Released for Transit or Unloading Permission Granted. We have seen examples of these timers being increased to 30 minutes. For further advice please contact the NCTS Helpdesk, phone 0300 322 7095 Email: or raise a ticket via the ASM Service Desk Portal. |
22/11/2024 18:00
25/11/2024 10:00
French Customs authorities will be switching off their national transit management system (Delta-T). This outage will take place from Friday 22nd November 2024 at 18:00 until Monday 25th November 2024 at 10:00(CET) to complete the changeover from Phase 4 to Phase 5. This downtime does not affect GB systems and no change in process is required by UK operators who will also continue to complete the SI BREXIT system. Full details of the system downtime can be found here. |
23/11/2024 00:00
24/11/2024 23:59
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear TPEF Member, Barclays advise that there will be an outage of Barclays.Net and iportal during the weekend of 23rd – 24th November 2024. Critical maintenance is required during this time to ensure the ongoing stability of these services. If you use Barclays, please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. Thank you, Stephanie HM Revenue & Customs |
21/11/2024 12:30
21/11/2024 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcDestin8 Scheduled Downtime Please be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version 5.22.0 on Thursday 21 November 2024 at 12:30 hrs and will be temporarily unavailable for up to 15 minutes. This release contains a total of 28 Change Requests and Bug Fixes. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
18/11/2024 07:30
18/11/2024 08:30
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCPlanned maintenance activities will be undertaken on the
NCTS live service on Monday 18th November 2024: NCTS XI 7:30am-8:00am NCTS GB 8:00am-8:30am The service will be available, however, during this time, users may experience slow running of the NCTS Service. HMRC apologise for any inconvenience this may cause |
16/11/2024 00:00
16/11/2024 06:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear members, Barclays Planned Maintenance – Saturday 16th November 2024 Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway – Payments Originating Overseas – Faster Payment – Payment System, on Saturday 16th November 2024, 00:00 to 06:00, during this time, payments will be delayed. If you use Barclays, please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. |
12/11/2024 12:08
13/11/2024 15:38
CDS Live Service |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via GVMS. This first started on .
See message from HMRCWe are experiencing technical difficulties with the Goods
Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) and work continues to resolve the issue as
quickly as possible. We are aware that not all goods movements on route to border locations have been able to create a valid Goods Movement Reference (GMR). If you are able to complete a GMR, then you should continue to do so. If you are not able to complete a GMR, then vehicles or trailers carrying non-controlled goods may travel without one during this period., However, you must provide alternative documentation. For example, one of the following (non exhaustive):Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) (If unable to create a TAD, then photocopies or digital copies of copy 4 of the SAD should be carried); Movement Reference Number (MRN); Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR); Hauliers with empty vehicles can provide their GB EORI number. For GVMS availability, please visit: We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. |
12/11/2024 13:00
12/11/2024 15:50
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service
will be unavailable from:
There will be a complete outage during this period.
Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
08/11/2024 17:15
10/11/2024 23:59
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCBarclays Planned Maintenance – Weekend of 8th November
2024: Barclays advise that there will be an outage of Barclays.Net
and iPortal during the weekend of 8 – 10th November 2024. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account,
Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on
Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The
recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to
ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. We hope this is useful for you, please ignore if this is not of relevance to you. |
08/11/2024 17:19
10/11/2024 23:59
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCBarclays Planned Maintenance – Weekend of 8th November
2024: Barclays advise that there will be an outage of Barclays.Net
and iPortal during the weekend of 8 – 10th November 2024. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account,
Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on
Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The
recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to
ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. We hope this is useful for you, please ignore if this is not of relevance to
you. |
10/11/2024 16:00
10/11/2024 17:30
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcDestin8 Scheduled Downtime
Please be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Sunday 10 November 2024 at 1600 hrs for up to 90 minutes. This is to facilitate critical security updates to their servers. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact the Destin8 Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
04/11/2024 00:01
04/11/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSCNS Compass
Dear Customer We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a maximum downtime of 4 hours. We expect the work to be completed within 2 hours, but are allowing 4 hours in case we need to rollback. This work is scheduled for the following time: Monday 4th November 0001-0400hrs During this time the following impacts will be felt:
All other CNS services will be available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team |
29/10/2024 13:00
29/10/2024 16:26
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will
be unavailable from:
1pm on Tuesday 29th October 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 29th October 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
24/10/2024 02:30
24/10/2024 03:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Thursday 24th October 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
21/10/2024 07:30
21/10/2024 08:30
Planned maintenance on to
See message from HMRCMonday 21st October 2024 between 07.30am- 08.30am. Planned maintenance activities will be undertaken on the NCTS live service on Monday 21st October 2024: NCTS XI 7:30am-8:00am The service will be available, however, during this time, users may experience slow running of the NCTS Service. HMRC Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause |
17/10/2024 12:30
17/10/2024 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be updated to version
5.21.0 on Thursday 17 October 2024 at 12:30 hrs and will be temporarily
unavailable for up to 15 minutes.
This release contains a total of 22 Change Requests and Bug Fixes including a series of preparatory changes for ENS requirements coming into force on 31st January 2025! If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
17/10/2024 02:30
17/10/2024 03:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User,
Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Thursday 17th October 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks, and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
15/10/2024 12:00
15/10/2024 15:22
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from:
There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
13/10/2024 16:00
13/10/2024 17:30
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcDestin8 Scheduled Downtime
Please be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Sunday 13 October 2024 at 1600 hrs for up to 90 minutes. This is to facilitate critical security updates to their servers. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
11/10/2024 15:16
11/10/2024 17:46
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: CNS are currently experiencing delays to their Compass/CDS Messaging Service. This first started on .
See message from CNSCNS Dear Customer We are writing to advise that we are aware of messaging delays in our Compass application. The messaging queues are decreasing, and our technical team are currently working on a solution. The Compass platform remains available to users. All other CNS services are available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team |
09/10/2024 11:44
10/10/2024 15:00
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CNS. This first started on .
See message from CNSDear CNS Customer, Please note that we are aware of some delays receiving messages back from CDS. Note that CNS is in dialogue with HMRC and will keep you updated. However please note that the below may be affected: •Declaration Status updates •Notification messages •Updates to inventories on Compass If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our service desk. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
08/10/2024 12:00
08/10/2024 12:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer
We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Tuesday 8th October 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - - Unit status updates will not reach Compass - - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart - All other CNS services will be available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team |
06/10/2024 22:00
07/10/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 6th to Monday 7th October Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 6th October and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 7th October 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 8th of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
05/10/2024 05:30
05/10/2024 19:30
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear Members, Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Saturday 5th October 2024, 05:30 to 19:30, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. Thank you,
HM Revenue & Customs |
05/10/2024 09:58
05/10/2024 15:57
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK on Inventory link CDS declaration. This first started on .
CCS-UK are still looking into this and they are working with their development team to fix the issue. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
04/10/2024 19:10
05/10/2024 01:05
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption for inventory linked CDS declarations via CCS-UK. This first started on .
We have had confirmation from CCS-UK that there is an ongoing issue that is currently being investigated. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User,
Please be advised that we have completed the planned downtime activity. "The issues regarding messages delays are now resolved. A Temporary fix has been put in place, a permanent fixed will be implemented as soon as possible." All the services have been restored. You should be able to receive messages as normal. Please do inform us in case of any delay or no response. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai |
01/10/2024 17:00
01/10/2024 17:59
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
TDR declarations will currently receive a communication error due to the planned outage overrunning. |
01/10/2024 09:00
01/10/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: • 9am on Tuesday 1st October 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 1st October 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
29/09/2024 22:00
30/09/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 29th to Monday 30th September Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 29th September and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 30th September 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 7th of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
28/09/2024 21:30
29/09/2024 03:30
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDue to scheduled maintenance on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS), the CDS service will be unavailable to all users on Saturday 28th September 9:30pm until 3:30am Sunday 29th September. Declarations submitted during this timeframe will be processed at the end of the downtime. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference (GMR) that are linked to CDS could be affected during the times listed. For guidance on GVMS please refer to the GVMS service availability and issues page. Import movements using GVMS during the outage – customers should check the declaration status and arrive where necessary. If moving consignments containing controlled goods with pre-lodged declarations, follow published guidance and attend port inspection facilities / Inland Border Facilities for goods to be inspected and released. If exporting goods from locations which require an arrived export, submit your declaration and obtain permission to progress (P2P) before the outage. If exporting goods from any other location, you will need to arrive at the border location and obtain P2P prior to the outage or wait until after the outage to move your goods. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
28/09/2024 20:30
28/09/2024 23:30
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) XI & GB channels, on Saturday 28th September 2024, timings as follows: • NCTS XI 20:30 – 22.00 Sat 28/09/24 Duration 1.5hrs • NCTS GB 22:00 – 23.30 Sat 28/09/24 Duration 1.5hrs Any NCTS data submitted during this period via the NCTS XI & GB service channels will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded and the service is available again. Please see NCTS service availability page to check for latest updates on system availability status. HMRC apologises for any inconvenience. |
27/09/2024 22:16
28/09/2024 09:35
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .CCS-UK are investigating the issue that is causing delays to CDS declaration.
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
26/09/2024 02:30
26/09/2024 03:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User,
Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Thursday 26th September 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
25/09/2024 19:00
25/09/2024 20:03
ASM Online Services |
In order to carry out essential system maintenance, ASM Online Services will be unavailable between and . During this time you will be unable to send and receive messages in Sequoia. You can prepare your CDS declarations ready to send once the outage is complete, but will not be able to view or prepare Transit Phase 5 movements so please retrieve any Transit documents you need prior to the outage.
To improve re-connection behaviour following this outage, please ensure that you are running version 5.16 (or higher) of Sequoia. We will confirm when normal services resume. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
25/09/2024 12:00
25/09/2024 12:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer,
We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Wednesday 25th September 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - Unit status updates will not reach Compass - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart All other CNS services will be available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team |
22/09/2024 22:00
23/09/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 22nd to Monday 23rd September Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 22nd September and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 23rd September 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 6th of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
22/09/2024 00:00
22/09/2024 04:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at 00:00 BST to Sunday 22nd September 2024 at 04:00 BST
See message from HMRCDear TPEF Member, Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Sunday 22nd September 2024, 00:00 to 04:00, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. |
18/09/2024 19:00
18/09/2024 20:01
ASM Online Services |
In order to carry out essential system maintenance, ASM Online Services will be unavailable between and . During this time you will be unable to send and receive messages in Sequoia, however you can still prepare your declarations ready to send once the outage is complete.
To improve re-connection behaviour following this outage, please ensure that you are running version 5.16 (or higher) of Sequoia. We will confirm when normal services resume. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
18/09/2024 04:00
18/09/2024 04:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Wednesday 18th September 2024 starting at 04:00 AM BST to 04:30 AM BST Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 18th September 2024 starting at 04:00 AM BST to 04:30 AM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai
Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
17/09/2024 16:51
17/09/2024 17:45
CNS Compass |
CNS are currently experiencing service degradation to their Compass Service. This first started on .
See message from CNSDear Customer
Compass Disruption CNS regrets to advise that we are currently experiencing unplanned disruption to our Compass Service. We are aware of an issue with accessing CNS and are working on this as a priority. Our support team and external partners are working on a resolution to restore the service. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause. Many thanks The CNS Team. Tel: 02380 799600 |
17/09/2024 12:00
17/09/2024 15:54
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCGood Afternoon, We are emailing to advise that the CDS Trader Dress Rehearsal (TDR) planned service outage is now complete. The service is available for you to resume your testing and declarations can be submitted as usual. The updates made to the CDS Trader Dress Rehearsal Service during this maintenance window include: • Delivering CR132, which enables the ability to practice Exports scenarios that involve MUCRs in the TDR service. Further details on CR132 can be found in the ‘Workarounds for known errors with the Customs Declaration Service’ document published here. • Refreshing UK/EU Tariff data held in CDS TDR, using data which has been copied from Production on 11th September 2024.* • Refreshing Trader personal, account, and licensing data held in CDS TDR, using data which has been copied from Production on 17th September 2024.* *Trader Dress Rehearsal is a sandbox environment and is regularly refreshed with Trader data and data from the Online Tariff on a given date, as such any CDS changes to Trader data in the live service or updates to the Online Tariff will not be reflected in TDR instantaneously. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team. |
15/09/2024 22:00
16/09/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 15th to Monday 16th September Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 15th September and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 16th September 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 5th of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
15/09/2024 00:00
15/09/2024 08:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear TPEF Member,
For your information, Barclays Planned Maintenance – Sunday 15th September 2024 Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Sunday 15th September 2024, 00:00 to 08:00, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the maintenance. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the delays, to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the maintenance would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays maintenance. |
04/09/2024 09:00
12/09/2024 11:51
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing slow responses to CDS Declarations during periods of high traffic.
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK are continuing to experience some intermittent issues and therefore at times of high traffic throughout the day you may experience delays. Our 3rd line support team are monitoring and analysing the underlying causes and plan to implement fixes and workarounds over the coming weeks that will attempt to address the issues. CSS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused. |
09/09/2024 10:55
11/09/2024 11:54
CNS Compass |
CNS technical team continues to work on a solution for declarations that are stuck on submitted prior to 16:15 on Monday 9 September 2024.
Any new declarations submitted after this time are going through. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. Important customer advisory message below: See message from CNSCDS Messaging Delays - resolution actions Dear CNS Customer, Please accept our sincere apologies for the messaging issues experienced yesterday. Declarations submitted after 16:15hrs appear to have processed correctly, but we do still have a large number of declarations stuck that were submitted prior to this time. If you submitted a declaration yesterday during the period 10:50hrs to 16:15hrs , and it is stuck with no response received, can we ask you to try the following actions to resolve: - for an arrived declaration, please resubmit. - for a pre-lodged declaration, please resubmit unless the inventory record has arrived, in which case please cancel and resubmit as an arrived declaration. Many thank for your co-operation and assistance. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
09/09/2024 23:30
10/09/2024 01:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear CNS Customer, We are writing to inform you that Compass will be unavailable tonight, Monday 9th September, for a maximum of two hours from 2330hrs. This is to allow our Technical Team to carry out emergency work. All messaging will be queued and processed after restart. We anticipate that this work will take between one and two hours to complete. Compass is expected to be available again from 0130hrs at the latest. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our service desk. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
08/09/2024 22:00
09/09/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 8th to Monday 9th September Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 8th September and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 9th September 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 4th of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
08/09/2024 16:00
08/09/2024 17:30
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Sunday 8 September 2024 at 1600 hrs for up to 90 minutes. This is to facilitate critical security updates to our servers. Messages sent and received during the downtime will be queued and processed accordingly when Destin8 is back up. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
05/09/2024 12:30
05/09/2024 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on Thursday 5 September 2024 at 12:30 BST to Thursday 5 September 2024 at 12:45 BST
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Thursday 5 September 2024 at 12:30 hrs for up to 15 minutes. This is to facilitate the implementation of Destin8 Release 5.20.0. Messages sent and received during the downtime will be queued and processed accordingly when Destin8 is back up. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
03/09/2024 12:52
03/09/2024 18:02
Service degradation: CCS-UK are still investigating an ongoing issue that is causing delays to CDS declaration by approximately 4-7 minutes. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK are continuing to experience some intermittent issues and therefore at times of high traffic throughout the day you may experience delays. Our 3rd line support team are monitoring and analysing the underlying causes and plan to implement fixes and workarounds over the coming weeks that will attempt to address the issues. CSS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused. |
03/09/2024 12:00
03/09/2024 15:33
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHMRC have advised that CDS TDR (Trader Dress Rehearsal) Service will be unavailable from: 12pm on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. |
02/09/2024 15:18
02/09/2024 18:04
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing delays in CDS response times by approximately 5-13 minutes via CCS-UK. This first started on 02nd Sept 2024 at 15:18 BST.
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
01/09/2024 22:00
02/09/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 1st to Monday 2nd September Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 1st September and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 2nd September 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 3rd of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
13/08/2024 10:44
02/09/2024 00:00
CHIEF Live Service |
CHIEF is now closed to new declarations. Existing CHIEF export declarations can be amended and further processed until 2nd September 2024, when all access to CHIEF will be withdrawn.
13/08/2024 10:44
02/09/2024 00:00
The CHIEF HMUT test service will be available until 2nd September 2024, when all access to CHIEF will be withdrawn.
25/08/2024 22:00
26/08/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 25th to Monday 26th August Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 25th August and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 26th August 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the 2nd of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
23/08/2024 08:27
23/08/2024 10:57
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing CDS response delays via CNS. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If you have already resubmitted your declaration you may receive a CDS LRN uniqueness error CDS12003. You must ignore this and wait for the original transmission response to arrive. Do not delete the declaration. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
21/08/2024 11:25
22/08/2024 18:03
Service degradation: Sequoia users are seeing sporadic delays via CCS-UK. This first started on .
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Intermittent Slowness since Wednesday 21st August 2024 – 11:25 AM BST – Update Dear CCS-UK User, We can still see sporadic delays throughout the day though currently all queues are running as they should and therefore no delays. Our teams are still fully focused on providing a permanent resolution. We will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK |
21/08/2024 11:25
22/08/2024 08:02
Service degradation: CDS declaration responses are being delayed up to 35 minutes. This first started on 21st August at 11:25 BST. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If you have already resubmitted your declaration you may receive a CDS LRN uniqueness error CDS12003. You must ignore this and wait for the original transmission response to arrive. Do not delete the declaration. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, We have reduced the delay significantly, but we are still experiencing intermittent delays. Our teams are still working on a permanent resolution. We will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
20/08/2024 12:15
20/08/2024 18:23
Service degradation: Slow responses to CDS declarations of up to 3 minutes sent via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
20/08/2024 12:00
20/08/2024 15:51
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHMRC have advised that CDS TDR (Trader Dress Rehearsal) Service will be unavailable from: 12pm on Tuesday 20th August 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 20th August 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. |
19/08/2024 20:00
19/08/2024 23:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Monday 19th August 2024 starting at 20:00 PM BST to 23:00 PM BST Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires an scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Monday 19th August 2024 starting at 20:00 PM BST to 23:00 PM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please note that CCS-UK Services linked to CHIEF are not affected. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
18/08/2024 22:00
19/08/2024 04:00
CNS Compass |
Planned maintenance on to
See message from CNSCNS Core Infrastructure Maintenance - Sunday 18th to Monday 19th August Dear CNS customer, CNS will be performing updates to our core infrastructure, starting at 22:00 BST Sunday 18th August and completing by 04:00 BST Monday 19th August 2024. This is a 6-hour window – with 4 hours’ worth of CNS work. No outage is expected. However as with any change there is a risk, classified as LOW, that a problem with the upgrade could be encountered which would require rolling back the updates. In the unlikely event of us having to undertake a rollback of the updates, CNS will require a two hour outage within the 6 hour window to all services to complete the activity. This update is part of a series of work to be performed over 8 separate weekends. This will be the first of 8. The updates have been tested in our lower environments and we expect no disruption to Services as we update our Production environment. The risk of any issues is decreasing with each successive deployment. We are pleased to share the full schedule for this project below. We will send no further emails for the remaining steps so please do make a note of the following dates: We thank you for your patience while we carry out this work. Kindest regards The CNS Team |
18/08/2024 04:00
18/08/2024 06:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear TPEF Member, Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Sunday 18th August 2024, 4am to 6am, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the outage. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the outage to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the outage would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays outage. Thank you, HM Revenue & Customs |
16/08/2024 09:54
16/08/2024 14:16
Service degradation: CCS-UK are currently investigating an issue that is causing CDS declarations to be delayed up to 13 minutes sent via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
13/08/2024 15:51
14/08/2024 14:18
Service degradation: CCS-UK have Identified an issue that is causing CDS declarations to be delayed up to 3 minutes. CCS-UK are working on resolving this and we will update once we have further details. This first started on Tuesday 13 August 2024 at 15:51 BST.
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
13/08/2024 11:29
13/08/2024 13:06
Service degradation: Slow responses to CDS declarations of up to 15 minutes sent via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
12/08/2024 13:13
12/08/2024 16:41
CNS Compass |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing messaging Delays at LGP1 & SCT1. This first started on .
See message from CNSDear CNS Customer, We are writing to inform you that the messaging delays on ports LGP1 and SCT1 are ongoing. Our technical team continues to work diligently to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We understand the inconvenience this is causing and apologise for the disruption to your service. We will continue to keep you informed of our progress and will provide another update at 16:30 today. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our service desk. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
11/08/2024 16:00
11/08/2024 17:30
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Sunday 11 August 2024 at 1600 hrs for up to 90 minutes. This is to facilitate critical security updates to our servers. Messages sent and received during the downtime will be queued and processed accordingly when Destin8 is back up. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
06/08/2024 13:00
06/08/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See details belowHMRC have advised that CDS TDR (Trader Dress Rehearsal) Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Tuesday 6th August 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 6th August 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. |
06/08/2024 12:47
06/08/2024 14:35
MCP Destin8 |
Service degradation: Sequoia users are experiencing disruption via MCP Plc. This first started on .
06/08/2024 12:30
06/08/2024 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcThe downtime is
to facilitate the implementation of Destin8 Release 5.19.0.
Messages sent and received during the downtime will be queued and processed accordingly when Destin8 is back up. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly |
04/08/2024 09:18
04/08/2024 11:29
Service degradation: CCS-UK have confirmed that responses to CDS declarations are now delayed by up to 3 minutes. Their third line support team are working on a priority to get this resolved. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
03/08/2024 05:00
03/08/2024 13:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear TPEF Member, Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Saturday 3rd August 2024, 5am to 1pm, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the outage. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the outage to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the outage would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays outage.
Thank you, HM Revenue & Customs |
02/08/2024 09:24
02/08/2024 14:27
Service degradation: CCS-UK have Identified an issue that is causing CDS declarations to be delayed up to 5 minutes. CCS-UK are working on resolving this and we will update once we have further details. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
01/08/2024 15:53
01/08/2024 17:08
Service degradation: Slow responses to CDS declarations of up to 15 minutes sent via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
01/08/2024 09:50
01/08/2024 13:18
Service degradation: Responses to CDS declarations via CCS-UK are improving and response times have reduced to 5 minutes. We will update you once the issue is fully resolved This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
15/07/2024 09:25
30/07/2024 14:27
NCTS Transit Phase 5 known issues:
NCTS Helpdesk 0300 322 7095 Email: |
29/07/2024 14:38
29/07/2024 16:40
CNS Compass |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CNS. This first started on .
See message from CNSMessaging Delays at LGP1 & SCT1 Dear CNS Customer, We are writing to inform you that we are working to resolve messaging delays of up to two hours on the following ports: LGP1 SCT1 Our technical team is working diligently to address these issues as a top priority. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delays. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our service desk. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, The CNS Team Telephone: 02380 799600 |
27/07/2024 20:30
27/07/2024 23:30
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear JCCC Members, We endeavour, as always, to present important, timely, updates to you all in order that you can be empowered to support your own membership networks; as such please see the latest NCTS update, below. We will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) XI & GB channels on Saturday 27th July 2024, timings as follows: NCTS XI 20:30 – 22.00 Sat 27/07/24 Duration 1.5hrs NCTS GB 22:00 – 23.30 Sat 27/07/24 Duration 1.5hrs Any NCTS data submitted during this period via the NCTS XI & GB service channels will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded and the service is available again. Please see NCTS service availability page to check for latest updates on system availability status. HMRC apologises for any inconvenience and also if you have already received this message from any other departmental source or mailing list. Kind regards, Tony Crampshee (he/him) On behalf of the JCCC Secretariat Borders & Trade | Customs Policy & Strategy (CP&S) |
24/07/2024 11:11
24/07/2024 15:50
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
We are seeing delays in response times from CCS-UK. If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
23/07/2024 17:33
24/07/2024 09:13
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCHello,
We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service is still unavailable. We will update you as soon as planned maintenance activity is complete and the TDR service is restored. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
24/07/2024 02:30
24/07/2024 03:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Wednesday 24th July 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST
Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires an scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 24th July 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
23/07/2024 13:00
23/07/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards TDR Communications Team |
22/07/2024 15:51
22/07/2024 16:00
CNS Compass |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CNS. This first started on .
22/07/2024 10:30
22/07/2024 13:09
CNS Compass |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CNS. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. From what we understand, this issue solely affects Inventory-Linked declarations. |
15/07/2024 16:00
19/07/2024 16:39
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via NCTS. This first started on .
We are getting reports of Arrival messages not getting a response from NCTS. The NCTS helpdesk have stated that the IE043 Permission to Unload messages have been generated although ASM are not able to retrieve the messages on the NCTS system. NCTS are investigating the issue. In the meantime please contact the NCTS helpdesk to get your goods released manually. NCTS Helpdesk, phone 0300 322 7095 Email: |
19/07/2024 07:05
19/07/2024 12:00
MCP Destin8 |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via MCP Plc. This first started on .
See message from MCP PlcGood morning, Thank you for your email. As you may be aware, a number of sectors have been impacted today by a
global IT outage. This has impacted our services and Destin8 is currently
unavailable. The issue appears to have been caused by an overnight update implemented by a major service provider. Further information can be found at the following BBC News article: As this is a widespread issue, we are limited on what we can advise at this
time. We will endeavour to provide updates as and when we receive them. Best regards, Aimee
Customer Service Manager |
19/07/2024 07:05
19/07/2024 12:00
Pentant |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via Pentant. This first started on .
See message from PentantNotification from GLN customers CROWDSTRIKE ISSUES AFFECTING DESCARTES SERVICES Dear Valued Customer Crowdstrike has reported a global widespread issue which has affected Descartes services. We are working hard to recover these services and all should be up again with some backlog delays. We thank you for your patience during this time. For additional announcements or to raise any questions or issues, please refer to the Customer Support Portal. For additional announcements or to raise any questions or issues, please refer to the Customer Support Portal or you can email Customer Support Portal Kind Regards, Descartes Service Desk Email: |
18/07/2024 11:57
18/07/2024 16:00
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
17/07/2024 22:47
18/07/2024 11:56
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via NCTS / CTC. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on Declaration Failed to Send please open and resend the declaration. This may take several attempts. The ASM Service Desk has contacted NCTS / CTC and they are investigating the issue. |
17/07/2024 11:35
17/07/2024 18:09
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 11:35 BST. If your declaration is stuck on submitted, please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error, please re-send. |
17/07/2024 02:30
17/07/2024 03:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part planned system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires an scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 17th July 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking.
CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
09/07/2024 09:00
10/07/2024 11:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 9am on Tuesday 9th July until 11am Wednesday 10th July There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team. |
08/07/2024 11:00
09/07/2024 11:23
CDS Live Service |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CDS.This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
01/07/2024 12:00
08/07/2024 15:59
Please upgrade to Sequoia v6.13 as this gives more detail about errors when transmitting to NCTS.
07/07/2024 06:32
07/07/2024 08:30
CDS Live Service |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. The earlier planned outage is still ongoing and HMRC advised this on .
See message from HMRCThe scheduled maintenance on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) is taking longer that expected, we are working to complete the maintenance as soon as possible and will advise when the service is available. Declarations submitted will be processed at the end of the downtime. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference (GMR) that are linked to CDS could be affected. For guidance on GVMS please refer to the GVMS service availability and issues page. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
06/07/2024 21:30
07/07/2024 05:30
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDue to scheduled maintenance on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS), the CDS service will be unavailable to all users on Saturday 6th July 2024, 9:30pm to 5:30am Sunday 7th July 2024. Declarations submitted during this timeframe will be processed at the end of the downtime. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference (GMR) that are linked to CDS could be affected during the times listed. For guidance on GVMS please refer to the GVMS service availability and issues page. Goods Vehicle Movement Service – service availability and issues – GOV.UK ( We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
06/07/2024 05:30
07/07/2024 02:00
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear TPEF Member, Barclays will be carrying out planned maintenance on their File Gateway environment on Saturday 6th July 2024, 5:30am to 2am Sunday 7th July 2024, this may have an impact on processing durations for some declarations. If you use Barclays please be aware: For payments in CDS Cash Account or Duty Deferment Account, Faster Payments is the only bank payment scheme which would normally process on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no alternative during the outage. The recommendation would be to pay into the account in advance of the outage to ensure sufficient balance was already present. For Immediate Payment the alternative during the outage would be via the Online Payment Service using Corporate Credit Card or Debit Card. This doesn’t require any change to the declarations, you can choose to make the payment via any supported route, no matter which of the specific Immediate Payment MOP codes you use. In either scenario, no declarations will be rejected, but they will be held pending release or clearance if the required funds are delayed by the use of Faster Payments during the Barclays outage. Thank you, |
06/07/2024 21:45
07/07/2024 00:01
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear members,
Due to the upcoming Customs Declaration Service (CDS) Release, declarations submitted into NCTS5 may be queued on Saturday 06th July 2024 between 09:45pm and Sunday 07th July 00:01am. NCTS5 will be available during this time and any declarations queued will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded. We recommend customers submit declarations prior to the downtime to avoid any delay in movements. HMRC apologies for any inconvenience caused. Kind regards, Mike |
06/07/2024 22:00
06/07/2024 23:00
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer, CNS are planning a brief downtime for essential systems maintenance. The downtime will last for just 10 minutes and will occur during the below time window: Date: Saturday 6th July 2024 Time: between 22:00PM to 23:00PM (UK time) All CNS
products and services will be unavailable during the downtime. All messaging
will be queued and will be processed as soon as the system has been restarted.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience. Kind regards, The CNS Team |
04/07/2024 12:30
04/07/2024 12:45
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on
Thursday 4th July 2024 at 12:30 hrs for up to 15 minutes. The downtime is to
facilitate the implementation of Destin8 Release 5.18.0.
If you require any further information or assistance, then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly. |
01/07/2024 12:00
03/07/2024 15:29
We have made a change to the NCTS Phase 5 Unloading Remarks in Sequoia.
If you were seeing a validation error as follows: “/CC044C/Consignment/HouseConsignment/ConsignmentItem/Commodity/GoodsMeasure/netMass: The value ‘0.0 is invalid.” You can now re-send the unloading remarks. |
03/07/2024 09:00
03/07/2024 12:23
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Message Delay since Wednesday 03rd July 2024
– 09:00 AM BST Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that CCS-UK is facing intermittent issues and it’s affecting import and export responses from Chief/CDS It has been apparent since Wednesday 3rd July 2024 – 09:00 AM BST. Customers using all type of connectivity to CCS-UK for messaging to CHIEF/CDS may not be receiving responses or will face delayed response to their messages due to this outage. Our technical team is working to get the system back to normal as a priority, we will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Please Note: fallback services not available, also CCS-UK cannot provide manual clearance. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
01/07/2024 14:29
03/07/2024 12:06
HMRC advised at 14:24 that the NCTS Phase 5 GB service is now available.
However, the HMRC NCTS Service availability page still shows known issues with GB departures since 19:33. |
03/07/2024 02:30
03/07/2024 03:30
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 starting
at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST (up to 1 hr) Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of an essential system upgrade, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 starting at 02:30 AM BST to 03:30 AM BST (up to 1 hr). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK
Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
01/07/2024 06:00
01/07/2024 14:24
Planned outage: The NCTS GB service will be unavailable on Monday 1st July 2024 from 06:00 - 13:00 BST.
See message from HMRCTo help you prepare for the introduction of NCTS5 we are issuing regular updates. You can find all our updates on Implementation of NCTS5 and downtime To ensure the transition from NCTS4 to NCTS5 in Northern Ireland (NI) and Great Britain (GB) takes place with minimal disruption for traders the changes will be taking place on separate dates as follows: • Friday 28 June NCTS5 in NI (XI) • Monday 1 July NCTS5 in GB Some providers of commercial software will be switching their software from NCTS4 to NCTS5 on 1 July to ensure this takes place after both changes have been implemented. Commercial software providers should be contacting clients to confirm where they cannot switch over their NCTS5 software until 1 July 2024. However, it is recommended that businesses proactively check with their providers in advance of 28 June 2024. Friday 28 June 2024 The XI service will be unavailable from 09:00 – 16:00 British Summer Time (BST), for approximately 7 hours. Before this time, you will need to: - • Discharge all arrivals, where possible, to avoid delays as HMRC need to do this manually while the system is unavailable. • Make sure you have received the Release for Transit notification for any submitted declarations in order to move the goods. If your software provider cannot switch from NCTS4 to NCTS5 until 1 July, you should: • Submit and release before 09:00 on 28 June, all XI declarations for goods moving on 28, 29, or 30 June and 1 July, if you are an Authorised Consignor. • Re-plan your movement of goods to avoid 28, 29, 30 June and 1 July if you are moving goods under the Normal procedure; or • Use the Web portal following the downtime on Friday 28 June to submit declarations. Monday 1 July 2024 The GB service will be unavailable from 06:00 to 13:00 (BST), for approximately 7 hours. Before this time, you will need to: - • Discharge all arrivals, where possible, to avoid delays if HMRC need to do this manually while the system is unavailable. • Submit and release all declarations for goods moving on 1 July, if you are an Authorised Consignor/Consignee. While NCTS is down, you should refrain, where possible, from moving goods under the Normal procedure which requires attending Inland Border Facilities (IBFs) or ports to start movements. Please note: • While NCTS4 in XI is unavailable, the GB NCTS4 service will still be online and available to submit declarations. • While NCTS4 in GB is unavailable, the new XI NCTS5 will be online and available to submit declarations. Important If you must move goods and have been unable to submit the declarations prior to the start of system downtime, you will be able to use the existing manual fallback procedure, although we recommend you do not travel to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) to start a transit movement until the system is available. You can find the manual fallback process in the Transit Manual Supplement. Please find attached further important information relating to our cutover to NCTS5. Please look out for our webinar on 19 June 2024 at 13.00 where we will cover the downtime and business continuity subjects above in more depth. You can join the webinar using the following link: - NCTS5 Webinar 3 190624 HMRC will issue communications and update our service availability page to confirm when each service has successfully gone live. |
30/06/2024 09:15
30/06/2024 10:42
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
28/06/2024 09:00
28/06/2024 16:00
Planned outage: The NCTS XI service will be unavailable on Friday 28th June 2024 from 09:00 - 16:00 BST.
See message from HMRCTo help you prepare for the introduction of NCTS5 we are issuing regular updates. You can find all our updates on Implementation of NCTS5 and downtime To ensure the transition from NCTS4 to NCTS5 in Northern Ireland (NI) and Great Britain (GB)takes place with minimal disruption for traders the changes will be taking place on separate dates as follows: • Friday 28 June NCTS5 in NI (XI) • Monday 1 July NCTS5 in GB Some providers of commercial software will be switching their software from NCTS4 to NCTS5 on1 July to ensure this takes place after both changes have been implemented. Commercial software providers should be contacting clients to confirm where they cannot switch over their NCTS5 software until 1 July 2024. However, it is recommended that businesses proactively check with their providers in advance of 28 June2024. Friday 28June 2024 The XI service will be unavailable from 09:00 – 16:00 British Summer Time (BST), for approximately 7 hours. Before this time, you will need to: - • Discharge all arrivals, where possible, to avoid delays as HMRC need to do this manually while the system is unavailable. • Make sure you have received the Release for Transit notification for any submitted declarations in order to move the goods. If your software provider cannot switch from NCTS4 to NCTS5 until 1 July, you should: • Submit and release before 09:00 on 28 June, all XI declarations for goods moving on 28,29, or 30 June and 1 July, if you are an Authorised Consignor. • Re-plan your movement of goods to avoid 28, 29, 30 June and 1 July if you are moving goods under the Normal procedure; or • Use the Web portal following the downtime on Friday 28 June to submit declarations. Monday 1July 2024 The GB service will be unavailable from 06:00 to 13:00 (BST), for approximately 7 hours. Before this time, you will need to: - • Discharge all arrivals, where possible, to avoid delays if HMRC need to do this manually while the system is unavailable. • Submit and release all declarations for goods moving on 1 July, if you are an Authorised Consignor/Consignee. While NCTS is down, you should refrain, where possible, from moving goods under the Normal procedure which requires attending Inland Border Facilities (IBFs) or ports to start movements. Please note: • While NCTS4in XI is unavailable, the GB NCTS4 service will still be online and available to submit declarations. • While NCTS4in GB is unavailable, the new XI NCTS5 will be online and available to submit declarations. Important If you must move goods and have been unable to submit the declarations prior to the start of system downtime, you will be able to use the existing manual fallback procedure, although we recommend you do not travel to an Inland Border Facility(IBF) to start a transit movement until the system is available. You can find the manual fallback process in the Transit Manual Supplement. Please find attached further important information relating to our cutover to NCTS5. Please look out for our webinar on 19 June 2024 at 13.00 where we will cover the downtime and business continuity subjects above in more depth. You can join the webinar using the following link: - NCTS5Webinar 3 190624 HMRC will issue communications and update our service availability page to confirm when each service has successfully gone live. |
25/06/2024 19:00
25/06/2024 20:00
CHIEF Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCCHIEF Planned Downtime on Tuesday 25th June 2024 starting at 19:00 PM BST to 20:00 PM BST (1 hour) Dear CCS User, CHIEF Ops have advised CCS that there will be planned CHIEF downtime on Tuesday 25th June 2024 starting at 19:00 PM BST to 20:00 PM BST (1 hour). This is to enable HMRC to implement a series of performance upgrades. During this downtime the CHIEF Service will be unavailable, meaning that users will not be able to undertake normal Exports clearances via the CCS-UK System. - Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. - Please Note: CCS-UK automated fallback has not been authorised for this outage. HMRC has requested CCS-UK to pass on their apology for the inconvenience and to thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
25/06/2024 17:06
25/06/2024 17:45
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service is still unavailable.
We will update you as soon as planned maintenance activity is complete and the TDR service is restored. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
25/06/2024 13:00
25/06/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: • 1pm Tuesday 25th June until 5pm Tuesday 25th June. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards TDR Communications Team |
25/06/2024 12:05
25/06/2024 14:08
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
25/06/2024 05:50
25/06/2024 06:50
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKUrgent CCS-UK Planned Downtime on Tuesday 25th June 2024 starting at 05:50 AM BST to 06:50 AM BST. Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of urgent system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires an scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Tuesday 25th June 2024 starting at 05:50 AM BST to 06:50 AM BST During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
24/06/2024 19:40
24/06/2024 20:45
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKExtended - Urgent CCS-UK Planned
Downtime on Monday 24th June 2024 starting at 19:40 PM BST to 20:45 PM BST. Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of urgent system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires an scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Monday 24th June 2024 starting at 19:40 PM BST to 20:45 PM BST. Unfortunately, downtime will extend for another 30 minutes till 20:45 PM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical
Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email:
24/06/2024 19:40
24/06/2024 20:20
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKUrgent CCS-UK Planned Downtime on Monday 24th June 2024 starting at 19:40 PM BST to 20:20 PM BST. Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of urgent system maintenance, CCS-UK Service requires an scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Monday 24th June 2024 starting at 19:40 PM BST to 20:20 PM BST. During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
24/06/2024 15:30
24/06/2024 19:49
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CCS-UK. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
19/06/2024 10:16
20/06/2024 11:46
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
17/06/2024 12:00
17/06/2024 12:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Monday 17th June 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - - Unit status updates will not reach Compass - - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart – All other CNS services will be available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team |
16/06/2024 14:00
16/06/2024 15:15
Pentant |
A number of users reported that they had received communication errors when submitting a declaration.
Declarations were successfully submitted when resent. |
15/06/2024 22:00
15/06/2024 22:30
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCDear Customer, Due to planned maintenance work on GVMS you will be unable to obtain and update a goods movement reference (GMR) between 10 pm and 10:30 pm on Saturday 15th June Once the maintenance is completed, declarations submitted in this downtime will be processed. Goods movement references (GMRs) remain mandatory for freight movements using GVMS. Hauliers without a valid goods movement reference (GMR) will be turned away. You should not turn off goods movement reference validation during this period of downtime. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
14/06/2024 13:00
14/06/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the planned system outage due to occur between 1pm and 5pm on Tuesday 11th June 2024, will no longer take place. We will now be proceeding with maintenance on the following date: • 1pm on Friday 14th June 2024 until 5pm on Friday 14th June 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards We apologise for an inconvenience this may cause. TDR Communications Team |
14/06/2024 12:12
14/06/2024 14:06
CNS Compass |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CNS. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
13/06/2024 10:01
13/06/2024 11:01
CNS Compass |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CNS. This first started on .
If your declaration is stuck on submitted please do not re-send unless ASM advise to do so. If your declaration has a communication error please re-send. |
13/06/2024 06:00
13/06/2024 07:45
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCCDS Planned Downtime on Thursday 13th June 2024 starting at 06:00 AM BST to 07:45 AM BST Dear CCS-UK User, HMRC has advised that there will be a planned CDS (Customs Declaration Service) downtime on Thursday 13th June 2024 starting at 06:00 AM BST to 07:45 AM BST. This is to enable HMRC to implement a series of changes to (CDS). Further details are as attached. Declarations submitted during this timeframe will be processed at the end of the downtime. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference (GMR) during this time will be affected. For guidance on GVMS please refer to the GVMS service availability and issues page. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. HMRC has requested CCS-UK to pass on their apology for the inconvenience and to thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
09/06/2024 16:00
09/06/2024 17:30
MCP Destin8 |
Planned outage on to
See message from MCP PlcPlease be advised that Destin8 will be unavailable on Sunday 9 June 2024 at 16:00 hrs for up to 90 minutes. This is to facilitate critical security updates to our servers. If you require any further information or assistance then please contact our Helpdesk on 01394 600205 or via e-mail to accordingly.
08/06/2024 22:00
08/06/2024 23:00
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCWe will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) GB channels only, on Saturday 08th June 2024, 10om to 11pm. Any NCTS GB data submitted during this period via the NCTS GB service channels will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded and the service is available again. Please see the NCTS service availability page to check for the latest updates on system availability status. HMRC apologises for any inconvenience. |
06/06/2024 14:25
06/06/2024 21:20
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
See message from HMRCHello, We are aware of an incident affecting the CDS Trader Dress Rehearsal Environment. This issue is currently being investigated. We will keep our community informed as and when more information becomes available to us. If you have any queries, please contact the TDR Comms Team at: Kind regards, TDR Communications Team |
06/06/2024 13:44
06/06/2024 15:53
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This first started on .
02/06/2024 08:47
02/06/2024 10:15
Sequoia Users are reporting slow responses over 10 minutes to their CDS declarations. CCS-UK are investigating the issue. |
31/05/2024 15:25
31/05/2024 17:56
CDS Live Service |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This started on .
Dear Trader, We apologise for the technical issues customers were experiencing with the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) this afternoon. These issues have been resolved and the system is now fully operational. We apologise for any inconvenience and will continue to work closely with customers to ensure minimal disruption. |
30/05/2024 09:50
30/05/2024 16:31
CDS Live Service |
Sequoia users reporting slow responses. This is affecting CDS declarations sent via all CSPs.
29/05/2024 13:00
29/05/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: • 1pm on Wednesday 29th May 2024 until 5pm on Wednesday 29th May 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards TDR Communications Team |
28/05/2024 12:00
28/05/2024 12:30
CNS Compass |
Planned outage on to
See message from CNSDear Customer We are writing to provide you with notification that we will be performing essential maintenance on Compass, requiring a downtime of 30 minutes maximum. This work is scheduled for the following time: Tuesday 28th May 1200-1230hrs midday During this time the following impacts will be felt: - Compass will not be available - - Unit status updates will not reach Compass - - All messaging will be queued & processed after restart - All other CNS services will be available. CNS would like to thank you for your patience during this time and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause whilst we conduct this essential work. With kind regards, The CNS Team Tel: 02380 799600 |
28/05/2024 07:00
28/05/2024 08:15
MCP Destin8 |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via MCP Plc. This was first reported on .
Users experiencing a Communication Error are advised to unlock their declarations and resend. |
21/05/2024 11:15
24/05/2024 16:23
CDS Live Service |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption with ILE (inventory linked exports) which includes finalising (association/closure) of CDS Air Export UCRs, arriving CDS declarations into DEP, and OLE (offline export entries). This was first reported on .
23/05/2024 19:00
23/05/2024 20:30
CDS Live Service |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCTo address recent performance issues, we will be delivering the first instalment of urgent maintenance on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS), the CDS service will be unavailable to all users on Thursday 23rd May 2024, between 7 and 8.30 pm. Declarations submitted during this timeframe will be processed at the end of the downtime. Creating, updating, or embarking a goods movement reference (GMR) that are linked to CDS could be affected during the times listed. For guidance on GVMS please refer to the GVMS service availability and issues page. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
22/05/2024 19:00
22/05/2024 20:38
ASM Online Services |
In order to carry out essential system maintenance, ASM (UK) Ltd will be unavailable between and
During this time you will be unable to send and receive messages in Sequoia, however you can still prepare your declarations ready to send once the outage is complete. To improve re-connection behaviour following this outage, please ensure that you are running version 5.16 (or higher) of Sequoia. We will confirm when normal services resume. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
21/05/2024 13:45
21/05/2024 15:50
Sequoia users reporting slow responses since
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Delays in processing messages causing slow responses since Tuesday 21st May 2024 - 13.45 PM BST Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that CCS-UK is facing some delays and it’s affecting all CCS-UK users. It has been apparent since Tuesday 21st May 2024 - 13.45 PM BST. Customers may be experiencing delayed responses. Our technical team is working to get the system back to normal as a priority, we will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
17/05/2024 10:00
17/05/2024 12:07
CDS Live Service |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This appears to have started on .
CDS HMRC Unplanned Outage since 17th May 2024 10.00 AM BST - Resolved Dear CCS-UK User, This is to confirm the downtime notified above is now resolved. HMRC have asked that we pass on their apology for the inconvenience caused and to thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
15/05/2024 15:00
15/05/2024 21:00
Pentant |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via Pentant. This started on .
Resolved issue with CDS - Notification from Descartes CDS/Pentant Customer Support CDS Response issues : Resolved Dear Descartes Pentant Customer, We can see the issues have been fully resolved. If you have any concerns/issues then please contact the service desk by emailing Kind regards Descartes CDS/Pentant Support |
14/05/2024 13:00
14/05/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHMRC advise that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: 1pm on Tuesday 14th May 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 14th May 2024 There will be a complete outage during this period. HMRC apologise for any inconvenience caused. |
12/05/2024 01:00
12/05/2024 02:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime (services impacted – REST API) on Sunday 12th May 2024 starting at 01:00 AM BST to 02:00 AM BST (up to 1 hr) Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of a planned maintenance, CCS-UK have scheduled a system downtime on Sunday 12th May 2024 starting at 01:00 AM BST to 02:00 AM BST (up to 1 hr) During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, impacting only REST API services. Please note that CCS-UK Services linked to CHIEF are not affected. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
07/05/2024 11:40
07/05/2024 15:45
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via HMRC. This appears to have started on .
05/05/2024 11:55
05/05/2024 12:36
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting no responses via CCS-UK. This appears to have started on Sunday 5th May 2024 at 10:30 am.
03/05/2024 23:30
04/05/2024 05:06
CCS-UK Unplanned Outage since Friday 3rd May 2024 – 23:30 PM BST- Resolved Dear CCS-UK User, This is to confirm the CCS-UK issues have now been resolved. Normal messaging via CCS-UK has been resumed. Please come back to us if this not the case for you. Any messages delayed by these issue (if stored in the local queues) are now being transmitted to their destination, please allow some time for the response to be generated and sent back to you. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
02/05/2024 05:00
02/05/2024 09:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Thursday 2nd May 2024 starting at 05:00 AM BST to 08:00 AM BST (up to 3 hrs) – Extended Dear CCS-UK User, Unfortunately, our planned outage window is over running. We will update you as soon as it is complete or at least every 30 minutes until complete. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Vandhana Proddhuturi Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
02/05/2024 05:00
02/05/2024 08:27
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Thursday 2nd May 2024 starting at 05:00 AM BST to 08:00 AM BST – Extended Dear CCS-UK User, Our planned outage completion time continues to be delayed due to unforeseen system issues when restarting. All changes are now backed out and the team working hard to resolve the system connectivity issues. We will update you as soon as it is complete or at least every 30 minutes until complete. Thanks and regards, Vandhana Proddhuturi Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
02/05/2024 05:00
02/05/2024 08:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Planned Downtime on Thursday 2nd May 2024 starting at 05:00 AM BST to 08:00 AM BST (up to 3 hrs) Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of an essential system upgrade, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Thursday 2nd May 2024 starting at 05:00 AM BST to 08:00 AM BST (up to 3 hrs). During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place, or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards, Manish Pillai Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |
23/04/2024 13:00
23/04/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from:
There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards, TDR Communications Team |
16/04/2024 03:00
16/04/2024 07:00
Planned outage on to
See message from CCS-UKDear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that as a part of an essential system upgrade, CCS-UK Service requires a scheduled system downtime (impacting all services) on Tuesday 16th April 2024 starting at 03:00 AM BST to 07:00 AM BST (4 Hours) During this time the connectivity to and from CCS-UK will not be available to you, meaning users will not be able to undertake Import and/or Exports clearances via the CCS-UK system. Please ensure you have resiliency plans in place or avoid these times especially in the case of perishable goods clearances you are undertaking. CCS-UK apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Thanks and regards. |
13/04/2024 08:30
13/04/2024 11:04
CDS Live Service |
Unplanned outage: Users are reporting delayed responses from CDS. This started at approximately 8:30 this morning Saturday 13th April 2024. We will publish further updates as we receive them.
See message from HMRCHM Revenue & Customs Dear Trader, We are aware some customers were experiencing issues with the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) from 8:20am 13th of April 2024. We have identified the issue where you may have experienced delayed responses when submitting your declaration. The restoration process has now been complete and these issues have been resolved and the system is now fully operational. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. |
09/04/2024 13:00
09/04/2024 17:00
CDS Test Service (TDR) |
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHello, We are emailing to advise you that the CDS TDR Service will be unavailable from: • 1pm on Tuesday 9th April 2024 until 5pm on Tuesday 9th April 2024. There will be a complete outage during this period. Please can you inform your contacts. Kind Regards TDR Communications Team |
08/04/2024 14:16
08/04/2024 16:15
CNS Compass |
Unplanned outage: Sequoia users are reporting disruption via CNS. This appears to have started on .
Users are reporting CDS declarations sent with a CNS badge are stuck on submitted. We have contacted CNS to investigate and will update you as soon as we have more information. |
06/04/2024 22:00
06/04/2024 23:59
Planned outage on to
See message from HMRCHMRC will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) on Saturday 06th April 2024, 10pm to 11:59pm, Any NCTS GB and XI data submitted during this period via the NCTS GB and XI service channels will be held and processed once the maintenance activity has concluded and the service is available again. Please see NCTS service availability page to check for latest updates on system availability status. HMRC apologises for any inconvenience. |
06/04/2024 05:00
06/04/2024 11:40
Unplanned outage on
See message from CCS-UKCCS-UK Unplanned Outage since Saturday 06th April 2024 – 09:05 BST Dear CCS-UK User, Please be advised that CCS-UK is facing intermittent issues and it’s affecting import and export responses from Chief/CDS. It has been apparent since Saturday 06th April 09:05 BST. Customers using all type of connectivity to CCS-UK for messaging to CHIEF/CDS may not be receiving responses or will face delayed response to their messages due to this outage. Our technical team is working to get the system back to normal as a priority, we will keep you updated with the progress at regular intervals. Please Note: fallback services not available, also CCS-UK cannot provide manual clearance. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thanks and regards, Vandhana Proddhuturi Technical Associate, CCS Helpdesk BT Cargo Community Systems & CCS-UK Tel: 0845 607 0096 Email: |